Thursday, 3 May 2007

Top 5 tips for people starting out in Tai Chi useful for beginners

1. Relax, be open and be playful
Enjoy developing a deeper connection to all life around you.

2. Enjoy passively observing the processes of nature
Sun and rain, wind and stillness, take pleasure in noticing the flows of energy in nature.

3. Be aware of your base, your connection to the ground
“If you practice (a martial art) without paying attention to your gong (base) then it will be a lifetime of empty practice.”

4. Feel the connectedness of your whole body.
Let movement arise from a welling-up of natural energy following your conscious intention. For example, Wee Kee-Jin says, “Moving the arms is not Tai Chi” – your arms do move, but they move dependent upon an initiation of movement from the base, not on their own.

5. Consistent practice is important for steady progress
“Learning is eating, practicing is digesting.”

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